Red Deer County, Alberta, Canada

President’s Message

Dear AHTA Members,

I am excited and very inspired to serve you, our members, as the next President of the AHTA. I am passionate about eventing, and I look forward to making a meaningful contribution to our sport and to our association in 2021. The board will be meeting in January to set our strategic priorities and goals for next year, and we would like to invite you to share your thoughts and ideas with us in advance. Please take a couple of minutes to complete our annual survey or alternatively I hope that you will feel free to reach out to me directly any time at

With the holidays nearly upon us and 2020 drawing to a close, I’d like for us to take this opportunity to reflect on and celebrate all that we have accomplished this past year – we invite you to share your favorite eventing/horse memory from 2020 so that we can feature you in an upcoming social media blast with happy 2020 horse memories!

Please drag and drop your photos into the google drive:

On behalf of myself and the rest of the Board, we wish you all the best for the rest of 2020, and we are looking forward to whatever 2021 brings. We will remain committed to doing our best to offer any programs that we can next year, while still keeping the safety of our members our top priority during this pandemic.


Cristin Embury
Alberta Horse Trials Association