Red Deer County, Alberta, Canada

AED’S Purchased for AHTA Clinics!

Did you know a common cause of death for riders is cardiac arrest after a fall? Imagine this happens out on a cross country course at a clinic. Those precious minutes waiting for an ambulance or STARS could be the difference between life or death.

With safety again being our #1 priority in 2022, this spring the AHTA purchased 2 AED’s which live with our Clinic Chair and HP Chair, and they have been on site and easily accessible for all AHTA & HP clinics this year, and will continue to be in the future as well. We REALLY hope we never have to use them, but it’s just one small thing that may make a really big difference one day.

We would like to thank everyone for participating in our recent fundraisers, as none of this would be possible without your generous support! Let’s continue to work together to help improve eventing in Alberta and make it safer for everyone!